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Showing posts from November, 2017

Science Finds Crime Committed By Trees

If you, or someone you love, fits the profile of a person described in this picture, there is help for you, and/or your loved one. Please, don't hesitate to get the help you, or your loved one(s), may not know you have need of, until this seen here, today. Call now, there's a kind, somewhat understanding counselor, who's not yet fully trained, but wants to get paid, and so, is ready and willing, if not yet able, to help you deal with your newly discovered tumult of emotion that may affect you after reading this and becoming informed of trauma that's been hiding behind your hay fever. Because, until recently, hay fever has only been viewed as physically problematic, and those suffering from it, not knowing it was irrefutable evidence of a traumatic event happening to make them victims, were recommended to seek help from their regular family physicians. And this recommendation was given only if they found over-the-counter medications insufficient alleviating hay fever...