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Internet Social Sight Blindness

Everyone should understand that in these times there are people we interact with on our fave social sites, that unlike most people, they are alone. Meaning, if all digital communications just suddenly stopped existing today, these people would be left in a (physical) world of strangers. Do y'all know what the implications of that are? Imagine, if you had no familial relations, no one in your life has known you since childhood, and you haven't anyone in your daily life that you have known from the time they were a kid. No school-hood buddies to swap stories 'bout back-in-the-day, no longterm friends you've known since your first marriage, no one who was around when you fought injustices that stripped away at your savings, no one whose stuck around the last ten yrs, who remembers when wrongful foreclosure took your house during the Housing Crisis, no coworkers that you kicked it with on your day off, or was with you at the company picnic when the ceo announced y'all were layed off, or year after year, no one in your life watched and loved you throughout all of the above. There are people whose contrived 'nuclear-age' family is just a group of locals who find themselves in shared neighborhoods, then find they share similar backgrounds, so they share the same tastes, and have the same views on life. You watch sitcoms with these types of 'family' groups all the time. Well, now, there are lots of real folks in real time, on the internet social sites, whose lives closely resemble what I've described. You'll know you're seeing the activity of a person whose life is alone when you notice they've written something personal or painful, or both. Understand that these people live life without the safety net of foundational relationships we take for granted. Think of how many of us make snide remarks and reply to such posts to remind a lost soul what information is appropriate to share and which personal 'issues' that shouldn't be shared 'with the world'. In fact, social site posts can n are used in Courts of Law to punish people that abuse what socially sharing our selves is for. Typically, defamation of character and libelous comments are rarely prosecuted, let alone even reprimanded. Posts categorically crossing-the-line will blow over; very rarely does drama  amongst commoners go viral. It'll be forgotten by all- save the post's creator and the one(s) targeted, oh yeah, and the cops, they don't forget either (hehehe). It's important that when you see a post symbolic of someone alone, before you rush in with your own two cents, either to protect, defend, or join in, learn to discern post elements, and go to the page of the poster, as well as, the posted. However, some one who's alone in dealing with one of the difficulties, found to abound, throughout life is looking for something the rest of us have offline: people trusted for good advice. Understand that without afore mentioned long-term relations, a person doesn't have the advisory council of elders experienced in life. Doesn't that top the reasons we cherish members of our families? I know its why I do. I miss my Dad, Grandma, and others who've died, and even so much more when there comes a difficult situation that ruffles my feathers. Now then, think about this that I have shared. Play this game called life fair and square, according to natural law and our societal rules, helping others, because how each of us plays the game can be improved. The more you understand, the more you can do, and at the end of it all, the one who increases people's quality of life the most (even if they break some rules) wins!
